Society History

The Society was formed in 1933, however unfortunately it was not until 1953 when a definitive minute book became available that an accurate history could be established. That said very strong anecdotal reports handed down confirm that the Society was originally set up to allow Municipal Contractors to socialise with relevant Borough Surveyors to their mutual benefit. It is also understood that the key event until the outbreak of the Second World War was an annual visit and black tie dinner to Le Touquet. This meeting was reconvened at the Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club when the Society started up again after the war in 1948.

Accurate records for the Society began in 1953 which coincided with the end of post war rationing.

It is interesting to note that the Society had a single honorary Treasurer/Secretary, Mr L.R.Mackness from the formation of the Society in 1933 until he retired in 1954.

It appears from the records, that the Society really moved forward from 1953 with the long standing trophies played for today being donated from around that time in recognition of significant members of the day.

The Colin Cassy Cup for the Deal meeting was presented in 1957 by Stuart Cassy in memory of his father, Colin captain in 1954, who had died in 1956. This was followed by the Eric Miller Cups also for the Deal meeting, presented by Gordon Miller in memory of his brother who, having completed two years on the Committee had suddenly died. The Alan Luke Spring Challenge Cup followed in 1967 and in 1970 The Bill Hayes, an Armada Dish, to be played for at the Autumn meeting. The Ian Forbes Aggregate Trophy was presented in 1972. Bill Hayes had been Captain in 1953, Alan Luke in 1956 and Ian Forbes in 1971.

Throughout this period the Society ran four meetings a year, Spring, Summer, Autumn and the Deal weekend. Venues included, Burhill, Royal Wimbledon, The Addington, Roehampton, Walton Heath, Wentworth, Sunningdale, The Berkshire, Royal Cinque Ports, Stoke Poges and the RAC Club.

Records show that in 1958, 48 members and guests attended the Deal weekend, a number only equalled again in 2011. In 1960 the visit to Sunningdale cost £1 and 15 shillings, in 2012 the cost was £200. The Royal Cinque Ports was £3 and five shillings for the day and dinner, in 2012 the cost had risen to £155.

Committee and AGM meetings were held for many years at the Criterion Restaurant, the Victoria Club, the Cafe’ Royal, one visit to the Eccentric Club and The Royal Air Force Club.

In 1961 the Annual Subscription was set at 4 shillings which rose to £4 in 1972. In 2012 the Annual Subscription was set at £35. Secretarial support payments of £5 were made in 1953 and rose to £15 in 1972. The Society no longer maintains such support. Due to modern day computer technology all necessary work on behalf of the Society is able to be carried out directly by the Honorary Secretary / Treasurer, and Honorary Assistant Secretary.

A minute note in 1957 stated that owing to the strong financial position of the Society prizes other than golf balls should be considered. At that time the funds were around £100. They had increased to £508 in 1968 and to £1033 in 1980. Currently funds range from a minimum reserve of £1000 to £4500, depending on special events arranged by the Society, and around £1800 is spent each year on prizes.

In 1974, the annual subscription was £6 the Annual Lunch £4, and a day at Burhill £6.50. Caddies at Deal cost £3.80 plus tip and boys 60p including tip. Currently the AGM and lunch is now included within a golf meeting at the New Zealand Golf Club at a cost of around £125 and caddies at Deal cost around £50 including tip.

The relationship between the Society and Borough Engineers and Surveyors flourished during the fifties and sixties through to the mid seventies when annual matches were held between the Society and the Metropolitan Surveyors Golfing Society. Also a membership category of Honorary Member was created to allow the election of Borough Engineers and Surveyors in addition to the existing Contractors and Allied Trade Suppliers.

In 1968,1970 and 1984 as part of the close relationship with the Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club, which has now become the home club of the Society, a total of four £50 debentures had been purchased to support the raising of much needed funds for the Club. The Debentures confirmed a fixed annual interest rate of £2 and two shillings (Two Guineas) per £50 debenture. These were finally redeemed in 2005. The Society has held an annual meeting at the Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club every year since 1953.

In 1980, Stuart Hyde became Honarary Secretary of the Society, having served as Honorary Assistant Secrtary to Harry Collins for the previous five years. Stewart served in the post as Honorary Secretary until 1988. He was voted Captain for the 50th Anniversary celebrations in 1983 when the Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club invited the Society as their guests for the Annual Dinner at the Club. In recognition of his service to the Society, Stuart was again voted Captain in 1993 for the 60th Anniversary celebrations.

In 1984, G Allen retired as Honorary Treasurer and John Berry took over the role for the next 14 years until 1998.

More recently Peter Greenshields served as Honorary Secretary for 10 years until 2007, a role then taken over by Terry Fleming following 9 years as Treasurer. Mike Tattam took over as Treasurer until 2017 when he took on the Role of Vice Captain.

In recent years a number of further trophies have been added to the 4 originally presented. The Past Captains Salver was presented to the Society in 1983 by a group of Past Captains. In 1988 The Berry Patterson Putter was presented by John Berry and Joe Patterson Jnr, and in the same year the Society Salver was presented by Terry Fleming to replace the Ian Forbes Trophy which had been lost. The Captains Salver, now known as The Captains Prize Salver, was presented by the Society in 1999. In 2000 the Millennium Jug was presented by Bill Sumner. In 2002 trophies were presented for the afternoon greensome competitions. The Captains Claret Jugs, presented by David and Mike Tattam, the Committee Cups presented by Alan Pontin and the Secretary Cups presented by Peter Greenshields. In 2003 the Stuart Hyde Salver was presented by the Society. Since then the Society has presented five more trophies, The AGM Cup in 2010, The Diamond Jubilee Plate in 2012, The Anniversay Rose Bowl in 2013, The Society 36 hole Challenge Trophy and The 0 to 9 Trophy in 2015. Following the tragic death of Jason Matthias in 2016, the 36 Hole Challenge Trophy has been re-named The Jason Matthias Cup in his memory, and to be played for each year at The Berkshire Summer Meeting. The Secretary Cups have already been re-named The Peter Greenshield Cups and played for at the Deal Autumn Meeting, in memory of Peter Greenshields who died in 2017.

2018 is the 85th Anniversary of the Society, Mike Tattam having been elected Captain for the year, is only the second Member in the Society to serve in that position twice.

Over the last nine years the Society has made four trips to Le Touquet, and has a regular annual fixture list of venues at New Zealand GC, Sunningdale GC which is also the Society Captain’s Day, Hankley Common GC, the Summer Meeting at The Berkshire GC, a two day event,   The Autumn Meeting, also a two day event, at Royal Cinque Ports GC along with the Society Annual Dinner, and Swinley Forest GC.